Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009


Boutelle, Sara Holmes. Julia Morgan, Architect. New York: Abbeville Press Publishers, 1988.

Generic Index of Buildings by Julia Morgan. No Date Given. Bluffton College. 4-18-2001

Julia Morgan. 2000. Asilomar Conference Grounds. 8-10-2001

Julia Morgan: Blueprint for Social Change. Luedtke, Pia Lindstrom. 1993. The Concord Review. 8-10-2001

Julia Morgan Center for the Arts: Julia's Story. No Date Given. Julia Morgan Center for the Arts. 4-18-2001

McMurray, Lynn Forney. Personal Interview. 2 June. 2001.

Steilberg, Walter T. "Some Examples of the Work of Julia Morgan." The Architect and Engineer of California Nov. 1918: 39-107.

Wadsworth, Ginger. Julia Morgan, Architect of Dreams. Minneapolis: Lerner Publication Company, 1990.

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